Original Video:
*This article is an edited version of the script for this video
Race: Custom Lineage(Free Feat: Telekinetic, has some synergy with the build that will be explained later)
Background: Strixhaven(if allowed)
Ability Scores(Point Buy):
Str: 8
Dex: 13
Con: 14
Int: 9
Wis: 13
Cha: 15(+2 from Custom Lineage)(+1 from Telekinetic)
If rolling for ability scores prioritize Cha, Con, and Dex in that order
Level 1: Sorcerer 1
Sorcerous Origin: Divine Soul
-Favored by the Gods
-Access to the cleric spell list as we are trying to make a “better cleric”
-Starting sorcerer instead of warlock is mainly for constitution saving throws
-Bless is likely the best free spell
-I would for sure pick up Shield, and likely Healing Word(Absorb Elements or Silvery Barbs)
Level 2: Warlock 1
Otherworldly Patron: Celestial
-Celestial again for the cleric theme
-Bonus Cantrips: Light and Sacred Flame are both good additions
-Healing Light: Like a combination of healing word and lay on hands. You get a pool of d6s you can use as a bonus action to heal an ally within 60 ft of you. I would likely save these for allies when they go down.
-Definitely pick up Eldritch Blast as it will be necessary for the build
-Could pick up Hex, that or Bless would likely be the best concentration until Sorcerer 3
-If you can afford it you could pick up studded leather for the best AC, we will fix our AC later on but for now, this is the best we can do
Level 3: Warlock 2
-Invocations: Pick up Agonizing Blast and Grasp of Hadar, Agonizing Blast is always good and Grasp of Hadar will be important later on
Level 4: Sorcerer 2
-Font of Magic, beginnings of the coffeelock combo
Level 5: Sorcerer 3
-Metamagic: Quickened Spell is the only one we need
-2nd Level Spells: Spiritual Weapon, Web
Level 6: Sorcerer 4:
-ASI or Feat: War Caster
Level 7: Sorcerer 5:
-3rd Level Spells: Spirit Guardians(main concentration spell for the rest of the game)
-Magical Guidance, a nice optional feature for important ability checks
Cast spirit guardians(possibly as a quickened spell) and go where the radius is 5-10 feet from 1 or 2 enemies. Eldritch Blast them and use Grasp of Hadar or Telekinetic to pull them into the Spirit Guardians causing them to take damage when they enter and at the start of their turn. And on top of that their movement speed will be halved. On subsequent turns you can use Spiritual Weapon for sustained damage or a quickened Eldritch Blast for cheap burst damage. We will be assuming Spiritual Weapon for our sustained damage numbers for 1 target. If you are against 2 targets your bonus action will be taken by Telekinetic. To keep damage high, always try to get at least 1 new target into Spirit Guardians each round.
Damage Per Round Vs 16 AC and 60% Chance of Succeeding the Saving Throw:
1 Target: 35.88
2 Targets: 49.15
Level 8: Warlock 3
-Pact of the Chain for Find Familiar
-2nd level warlock spell slots. Mainly for better coffeelock but if there's a spell you like take it
Level 9: Sorcerer 6
-Empowered Healing, definitely not the best 6th level feature but having the cleric spell list was well worth it
Level 10: Sorcerer 7
-4th Level Spells. Lots of good options but nothing important for the build. For max damage upcast Spirit Guardians
Level 11: Sorcerer 8
-ASI or Feat: Moderately Armored
–Take +1 to Dex and pick up half plate and a shield and this feat increases our AC by 6
-Eldritch blast goes up to 3 beams, more chances to pull a creature into spirit guardians
Level 12: Sorcerer 9
-5th Level Spells. More great options but still nothing required for the build. Keep upcasting Spirit Guardians for max damage
Level 13: Sorcerer 10
-Additional metamagic option, quickened spell is still the best during combat to get our damage online as fast as possible. Pick whichever you’d like
Level 14: Sorcerer 11
-6th Level Spells, upcast Spirit Guardians for best damage. Twinned Spell Heal is also a good option.
Level 15: Sorcerer 12
-ASI or Feat: Resilient Wis to sure up defenses and even out the odd score
Level 16: Sorcerer 13
-7th Level Spells, upcast Spirit Guardians for best damage
Level 17: Sorcerer 14
-Angelic Form, concentration free flying. Amazing feature to get even this late into the game
Level 18-20: Sorcerer 15-17
-8th and 9th Level Spells, obviously a lot of great 9th level spells but nothing we’ll use for our combo
-ASI or Feat: +2 Cha or possibly Tough Feat
Tactics: Still same as before just upcasting Spirit Guardians and Spiritual Weapon and you now have 4 beams of Eldritch Blast. 9th level Spirit Guardians and 8th level Spiritual Weapon will likely not be the best idea very often but it’s cool to explore what’s possible
Damage Vs 20 AC and 60% Chance of Succeeding the Saving Throw:
1 Target: 97.4
2 Targets: 139.1
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