Original Video:
*This article is an edited version of the script for this video
Race: Any race that boosts Wis, if you can use optional rule from Tasha’s to customize your origin this can be any race
Ability Score Priorities:
#1: Wis
#2: Con
#3: Dex
Hide Armor
Druidic Focus
4th: Fey Touched: +1 Wis and Command or Silvery Barbs
8th: Resilient: Con
12th: War Caster
16th and 19th: Boost Wis and/or Con
Cantrips: Guidance, Thorn Whip, Druidcraft, Resistance
1st: Absorb Elements, Goodberry, Healing Word, Entangle
2nd: Locate Object, Pass Without Trace
3rd: Aura of Vitality, Dispel Magic, Conjure Animals, Revivify, Plant Growth
4th: Conjure Woodland Beings, Divination, Polymorph
5th: Antilife Shell, Commune with Nature, Greater Restoration, Scrying
6th: Heal, Heroes’ Feast, Transport via Plants
7th: Fire Storm, Plane Shift
8th: Animal Shapes
9th: Shapechange
In terms of tactics in combat, you’ll usually want to start off with a big concentration spell and then on rounds thereafter use your cantrips to deal damage, use your healing spells to heal allies back up when they go unconscious, and throw in the other utility spells and class features as needed.
Race: Any race that boosts Wis, if you can use optional rule from Tasha’s to customize your origin this can be any race
Ability Score Priorities:
#1: Wis
#2: Con
#3: Dex
Hide Armor
Druidic Focus
4th: Fey Touched: +1 Wis and Command or Silvery Barbs
8th: Resilient: Con
12th: War Caster
16th and 19th: Boost Wis and/or Con
Cantrips: Guidance, Thorn Whip, Druidcraft, Resistance
1st: Absorb Elements, Goodberry, Healing Word, Entangle
2nd: Locate Object, Pass Without Trace
3rd: Aura of Vitality, Dispel Magic, Conjure Animals, Revivify, Plant Growth
4th: Conjure Woodland Beings, Divination, Polymorph
5th: Antilife Shell, Commune with Nature, Greater Restoration, Scrying
6th: Heal, Heroes’ Feast, Transport via Plants
7th: Fire Storm, Plane Shift
8th: Animal Shapes
9th: Shapechange
In terms of tactics in combat, you’ll usually want to start off with a big concentration spell and then on rounds thereafter use your cantrips to deal damage, use your healing spells to heal allies back up when they go unconscious, and throw in the other utility spells and class features as needed.
Bonus Cantrip: Shape Water
Circle: Arctic, Mountain or Underdark
Race: Any race that boosts Wis, if you can use optional rule from Tasha’s to customize your origin this can be any race
Ability Score Priorities:
#1: Wis
#2: Con
#3: Dex
Hide Armor
Druidic Focus
4th: Fey Touched: +1 Wis and Command or Silvery Barbs
8th: Resilient: Con
12th: War Caster
16th and 19th: Boost Wis and/or Con
Cantrips: Guidance, Thorn Whip, Druidcraft, Resistance
1st: Absorb Elements, Goodberry, Healing Word, Entangle
2nd: Locate Object, Pass Without Trace
3rd: Aura of Vitality, Dispel Magic, Conjure Animals, Revivify, Plant Growth
4th: Conjure Woodland Beings, Divination, Polymorph
5th: Antilife Shell, Commune with Nature, Greater Restoration, Scrying
6th: Heal, Heroes’ Feast, Transport via Plants
7th: Fire Storm, Plane Shift
8th: Animal Shapes
9th: Shapechange
In terms of tactics in combat, you’ll usually want to start off with a big concentration spell and then on rounds thereafter use your cantrips or wild shape to deal damage, use your healing spells to heal allies back up when they go unconscious, and throw in the other utility spells and class features as needed.
Race: Any race that boosts Wis, if you can use optional rule from Tasha’s to customize your origin this can be any race
Ability Score Priorities:
#1: Wis
#2: Con
#3: Dex
Hide Armor
Druidic Focus
4th: Fey Touched: +1 Wis and Command or Silvery Barbs
8th: Resilient: Con
12th: War Caster
16th and 19th: Boost Wis and/or Con
Cantrips: Guidance, Thorn Whip, Druidcraft, Resistance
1st: Absorb Elements, Goodberry, Healing Word, Entangle
2nd: Locate Object, Pass Without Trace
3rd: Aura of Vitality, Dispel Magic, Conjure Animals, Revivify, Plant Growth
4th: Conjure Woodland Beings, Divination, Polymorph
5th: Antilife Shell, Commune with Nature, Greater Restoration, Scrying
6th: Heal, Heroes’ Feast, Transport via Plants
7th: Fire Storm, Plane Shift
8th: Animal Shapes
9th: Shapechange
In terms of tactics in combat, you’ll usually want to start off with a big concentration spell and then on rounds thereafter use your cantrips to deal damage, use your healing spells to heal allies back up when they go unconscious, and throw in the other utility spells and class features as needed.
Race: Any race that boosts Wis, if you can use optional rule from Tasha’s to customize your origin this can be any race
Ability Score Priorities:
#1: Wis
#2: Con
#3: Dex
Hide Armor
Druidic Focus
4th: Fey Touched: +1 Wis and Command or Silvery Barbs
8th: Resilient: Con
12th: War Caster
16th and 19th: Boost Wis and/or Con
Cantrips: Guidance, Thorn Whip, Druidcraft, Resistance
1st: Absorb Elements, Goodberry, Healing Word, Entangle
2nd: Locate Object, Pass Without Trace
3rd: Aura of Vitality, Dispel Magic, Conjure Animals, Revivify, Plant Growth
4th: Conjure Woodland Beings, Divination, Polymorph
5th: Antilife Shell, Commune with Nature, Greater Restoration, Scrying
6th: Heal, Heroes’ Feast, Transport via Plants
7th: Fire Storm, Plane Shift
8th: Animal Shapes
9th: Shapechange
In terms of tactics in combat, you’ll usually want to start off with a big concentration spell and then on rounds thereafter use your cantrips to deal damage, use your healing spells to heal allies back up when they go unconscious, and throw in the other utility spells and class features as needed.
Race: Any race that boosts Wis, if you can use optional rule from Tasha’s to customize your origin this can be any race
Ability Score Priorities:
#1: Wis
#2: Con
#3: Dex
Hide Armor
Druidic Focus
4th: Fey Touched: +1 Wis and Command or Silvery Barbs
8th: Resilient: Con
12th: War Caster
16th and 19th: Boost Wis and/or Con
Cantrips: Shape Water, Thorn Whip, Druidcraft, Resistance
1st: Absorb Elements, Goodberry, Healing Word, Entangle
2nd: Locate Object, Pass Without Trace
3rd: Aura of Vitality, Dispel Magic, Conjure Animals, Revivify, Plant Growth
4th: Conjure Woodland Beings, Divination, Polymorph
5th: Antilife Shell, Commune with Nature, Greater Restoration, Scrying
6th: Heal, Heroes’ Feast, Transport via Plants
7th: Fire Storm, Plane Shift
8th: Animal Shapes
9th: Shapechange
In terms of tactics in combat, you’ll usually want to start off with a big concentration spell and then on rounds thereafter use your cantrips to deal damage, use your healing spells to heal allies back up when they go unconscious, and throw in the other utility spells and class features as needed.
Race: Any race that boosts Wis, if you can use optional rule from Tasha’s to customize your origin this can be any race
Ability Score Priorities:
#1: Wis
#2: Con
#3: Dex
Hide Armor
Druidic Focus
4th: Fey Touched: +1 Wis and Command or Silvery Barbs
8th: Resilient: Con
12th: War Caster
16th and 19th: Boost Wis and/or Con
Cantrips: Guidance, Thorn Whip, Druidcraft, Resistance
1st: Absorb Elements, Goodberry, Healing Word, Entangle
2nd: Locate Object, Pass Without Trace
3rd: Aura of Vitality, Dispel Magic, Conjure Animals
4th: Conjure Woodland Beings, Divination, Polymorph
5th: Antilife Shell, Commune with Nature, Greater Restoration, Scrying
6th: Conjure Fey, Heal, Heroes’ Feast, Transport via Plants
7th: Fire Storm, Plane Shift
8th: Animal Shapes
9th: Shapechange, Foresight
In terms of tactics in combat, you’ll usually want to start off with a big concentration spell and then on rounds thereafter use your cantrips to deal damage, use your healing spells to heal allies back up when they go unconscious, and throw in the other utility spells and class features as needed.
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